New Paper: Temporal and regional variabilities in the attenuation of sinking particulate organic carbon in the Kuroshio region (Frontier in Marine Sciences)
IOC Executive Council 国家間海洋科学委員会執行理事国会議
Dr. Siyu Jiang won the Young Author Award from the JOS 日本海洋学会奨励論文賞受賞
AORI Science News covers Siyu's paper on Indian Ocean Phytoplankton Dynamics
New paper on the diversity of bacterioplankton in the Kuroshio. Deep-Sea Res. I.
New paper on phytoplankton dynamics in the Indian Ocean, Jiang et al. Progress in Oceanography
RV Hakuho-Maru KH-22-5 cruise
New Paper from Indian Ocean Cruise: Nitrogen sources for phytoplankton
R/V Hakuho-Maru cruise KH-22-4
修論発表会・Master's Thesis presentation Yubei WU
修論発表会 中桐菜緒
New Paper in Nature Communications : 海の砂漠の謎に迫る −ほんのわずかなリンの供給が活発な生物生産を駆動−
Planning Meeting of CREPSUM
New paper on phytoplankton nutrient assimilation in oligotrophic waters
Siyu Jiang published a paper on Jan 1st, 2021
Takagi-san moved to Chiba Univ. 髙木悠花さん、千葉大学助教に
Prof. Saito received PICES Wooster Award
RV Hakuho-Maru "Kuroshio Paradox" cruise 白鳳丸調査航海「黒潮域栄養塩供給のホットスポットを探る」